

Aug 26, 2023

Aug 26, 2023

Excel + Python, it is official!

Excel + Python, it is official!

Excel + Python, it is official!

As an ex-data analyst in the finance industry, the one software that pretty much holds the corporate world afloat is Excel. One of the recent features that I am very excited about is the official integration of Python, a powerful and versatile programming language mainly used for machine learning and data analysis, into Excel.

(Microsoft, 2023)

Python is widely used by data scientists, machine learning engineers, and developers for various tasks such as data analysis, visualization, automation, web development, and more. By enabling Excel users to write and run Python code within Excel, we are opening up a whole new world of possibilities and benefits.

(Microsoft, 2023)

One of the benefits of Excel got Python is the ability to leverage the power of ChatGPT to create dashboard and run machine learning models right on Excel spreadsheets without having to learn the syntax and logic of Python.

(Microsoft, 2023)

For example, suppose you have a dataset of customer reviews and ratings for various products in Excel. You want to perform some machine learning and data analytics on this dataset, such as sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, and recommendation. Instead of writing the Python code from scratch, you can simply type in commands such as:

  • Load the dataset from Excel into a pandas dataframe

  • Use scikit-learn library to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews column

  • Create a dashboard with matplotlib library to visualize the distribution of ratings and sentiments

  • Use scikit-learn library to cluster the products based on their features and ratings

  • Use scikit-learn library to classify the products into categories based on their reviews

  • Use scikit-learn library to recommend products to customers based on their preferences and ratings

As an ex-data analyst in the finance industry, the one software that pretty much holds the corporate world afloat is Excel. One of the recent features that I am very excited about is the official integration of Python, a powerful and versatile programming language mainly used for machine learning and data analysis, into Excel.

(Microsoft, 2023)

Python is widely used by data scientists, machine learning engineers, and developers for various tasks such as data analysis, visualization, automation, web development, and more. By enabling Excel users to write and run Python code within Excel, we are opening up a whole new world of possibilities and benefits.

(Microsoft, 2023)

One of the benefits of Excel got Python is the ability to leverage the power of ChatGPT to create dashboard and run machine learning models right on Excel spreadsheets without having to learn the syntax and logic of Python.

(Microsoft, 2023)

For example, suppose you have a dataset of customer reviews and ratings for various products in Excel. You want to perform some machine learning and data analytics on this dataset, such as sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, and recommendation. Instead of writing the Python code from scratch, you can simply type in commands such as:

  • Load the dataset from Excel into a pandas dataframe

  • Use scikit-learn library to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews column

  • Create a dashboard with matplotlib library to visualize the distribution of ratings and sentiments

  • Use scikit-learn library to cluster the products based on their features and ratings

  • Use scikit-learn library to classify the products into categories based on their reviews

  • Use scikit-learn library to recommend products to customers based on their preferences and ratings

As an ex-data analyst in the finance industry, the one software that pretty much holds the corporate world afloat is Excel. One of the recent features that I am very excited about is the official integration of Python, a powerful and versatile programming language mainly used for machine learning and data analysis, into Excel.

(Microsoft, 2023)

Python is widely used by data scientists, machine learning engineers, and developers for various tasks such as data analysis, visualization, automation, web development, and more. By enabling Excel users to write and run Python code within Excel, we are opening up a whole new world of possibilities and benefits.

(Microsoft, 2023)

One of the benefits of Excel got Python is the ability to leverage the power of ChatGPT to create dashboard and run machine learning models right on Excel spreadsheets without having to learn the syntax and logic of Python.

(Microsoft, 2023)

For example, suppose you have a dataset of customer reviews and ratings for various products in Excel. You want to perform some machine learning and data analytics on this dataset, such as sentiment analysis, clustering, classification, and recommendation. Instead of writing the Python code from scratch, you can simply type in commands such as:

  • Load the dataset from Excel into a pandas dataframe

  • Use scikit-learn library to perform sentiment analysis on the reviews column

  • Create a dashboard with matplotlib library to visualize the distribution of ratings and sentiments

  • Use scikit-learn library to cluster the products based on their features and ratings

  • Use scikit-learn library to classify the products into categories based on their reviews

  • Use scikit-learn library to recommend products to customers based on their preferences and ratings